Activities Unable to Do Due to Back Pain Physical Therapy


Back pain is one of the most common reasons people visit a doctor. In fact, more than 80 percent of adults, according to one survey, have a problem with lower back pain at some point in their lives, and a large percentage have pain that is chronic in nature. This annoying and sometimes debilitating pain can be caused by a variety of reasons, some that are minor and temporary and others that require medical care.


Many people are obese, and that obesity can lead to constant back pain. Excess weight puts strain on your back muscles and inhibits the desire to exercise, and that strain is particularly difficult on muscles that are already weak. Weaker muscles get sore much more easily, even from simple standing or walking. In most cases, losing weight helps reduce the strain on your back and alleviates the pain. Try to adopt an exercise regime to strengthen weak muscles.


Even if you aren't overweight, you could experience back pain due to weak muscles that are easily strained from even light activity. If you're a couch potato or work sitting down all day, you may not spend enough time standing, walking or climbing stairs. If this is the cause of your misery, the natural back pain treatment for you is to adopt an exercise regimen to strengthen your back. Examples of such exercises include squats, deadlifts, planking and walking.



Pregnancy comes with a host of unpleasant symptoms, including lower back pain. The extra weight gained from the growing fetus and the expanding uterus put pressure on the muscles of the lower back and the spine, causing a persistent backache in many cases. Most of the time, the pain lessens or disappears immediately after childbirth. In the meantime, you can try using a heating pad at a low temperature or some simple stretching to alleviate the pain.

CC0/Camila Cordeiro/Unsplash

Sudden Strain

If you've ever felt a sudden sharp pain in your back when you picked up something heavy, then you understand how painful muscle tears and overextension can be. Sometimes, the pain occurs after a sudden awkward movement of the torso as well. Back pain from lifting can be prevented by practicing good lifting posture, including always bending your knees when lifting something off the ground. You should also warm up before exercising and avoid making sudden movements with your torso.


Nerve Issues

When part of the spine or back presses down on a nerve, it can cause pain in various parts of your back. Slipped discs, ruptured discs, bulging discs and sciatica are among the conditions that can cause nerve issues. This type of issue is typically serious and requires back pain treatment from a medical professional. If diagnosed with a nerve issue of the spine, be sure to follow your doctor's orders, take it easy and avoid doing anything to make the situation worse.


Kidney Problems

The kidneys are situated slightly below your middle back, and that means any health issue involving the kidneys often manifests as back pain. The discomfort may come solely from the kidneys, rather than the back. If your backache is accompanied by urinary problems or pain in the lower abdominal area, it's a good idea to see your doctor as soon as possible. It could be a stone or an infection, and kidney infections can lead to kidney failure if left untreated.



Another common cause of backaches is osteoporosis. This condition occurs when the body loses bone, makes too little bone or a combination of both. You can get osteoporosis as a side effect from other diseases, from medication, or as a result of poor nutrition. Either way, it's a pretty unpleasant health issue that can result in persistent pain due to the bone's inability to fully support your body weight. Osteoporosis can be managed with medication and changes in lifestyle.

CC BY-SA 4.0/BruceBlaus/Wikimedia


Arthritis is another common health issue, and while it primarily affects the joints, it can also cause back pain when it affects the joints of the hips or back. In some cases, the inflammation is bad enough to make the space around the spinal cord narrow, causing spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis can cause tingling, numbness or pain in the back area and can even radiate down to the legs. Like osteoporosis, arthritis can be managed with medication from your doctor.


Spinal Issues

Any injury to the spine, whether by accident or due to a medical condition, can result in varying degrees of back pain. Some common spinal issues include scoliosis and vertebral fractures from accidents. Spinal issues require medical intervention or structural support to treat them. If you suspect a problem with your spine, then it's time to head straight to the doctor for a checkup.



Unfortunately, it's true that some forms of cancer manifest as back pain. Examples include spinal cancer, pancreatic cancer and kidney cancer. This symptom also appears with metastatic cancers, or those that occur as secondary tumors spread throughout the body in some patients suffering from stage 4 cancer. If you have unexplained back pain for a period of time, it's a good idea to see a doctor to rule out any serious issues.



Activities Unable to Do Due to Back Pain Physical Therapy


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